Short film is the first step by all the filmmakers where they experience and learn a lot of tips for handling the main films. Short film plays a crucial role in a person who is interested in making films. Some make short films for fun but some choose them as profession and make money. For the people who think to make career in film industry have to prove themselves as the best in short film making.
There may be situations where few short film makers become stars. This is one of the paths to those who want to make their dream come true. By placing a little amount of money on production we can prove ourselves and can earn money through different ways. Even the large film makers sometimes make short films andmake their wish satisfied. In my article I am going to explain the ways to earn money making short films.
There are many ways to earn money making short films but only the best quality short film will earn the more value than others. There has never been demand for short films in the past days but in present days many are showing themselves in this industry. This is the right place for the one who want to make big in film industry in future.
The first and foremost method is to place the short film in Youtube. At first create your own channel and post the short films in your channel. The money will be paid as the count of subscriber’s increases. The more the subscribers the more the money. If you have less number of subscribers the channel will be automatically optimized and you will not be paid with any money.
Another way of earning money through short films is advertising. Advertising provides the major contribution for earning money. There are different types of ads based on the structure of advertisements .They are skippable and non-skippable advertisements. Skippable advertisements are those where we can skip the advertisements after some specified time and non-skippable are quite opposite where we cannot skip the advertisement until it is completed. Some of the advertisements may be of display model where we can display the advertisements on some corner of the video. If someone clicks the links and enters their website the video owners are paid.
If you cannot manage your channel then you have an option of selling your video to a verified youtube channel. If you have a sponsor for your short film then he has a chance of selling the video or can advertise his advertisement in your video.
The next way of earning is through selling the video rights to a film producer or the one who was impressed by your short film and wanted to make it a feature film. This happens rarely if the short film is demanding. In this case we can also demand for partnership in the feature film which can be assigned in the legal note before.
There is an another way where the short film rights are sold to television channel. And the television channel releases it as a web series. If this becomes a huge success then the offers are arrived at the door steps.
You can also place your video in Vimeo video Where earning is done by two methods. They are donating and pay per view methods. Donation depends on the visitor who want to appreciate the talent of the film maker can donate some money according to his wish. In pay per view method a film maker earns money as per the count of views.
The last way is to applying the short film for the national and international film festivals where the best is taken out and given a whopping amount as cash price. In order to apply a short film for a film festival it should not be released into the internet.
Ways to make money via short films