Better ways to promote shortfilm

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Top Creative ways to promote your shortfilm
Short films : How can it be promoted?

Short films often know as documentaries or the low budget informative movies with a duration of 40 minutes or less. Like the big budget feature films the producer’s of these films does not expect to make large profits but imagine if they can promote there movies effectively and make a profit won’t that encourage them to make more such movies and even make a good earning.
We can promote these short films in many effective and cost saving ways. In this age of digital media we can easily promote them without using much man power or money. In the paragraph below we will discuss different ways by which we can promote the shortfilms effectively.
• Make a site for the upcoming movie:- Yes a website for a movie can really be a helpful idea for its promotion. One can get all the updates of the movies and its ticket can be also sold from its website. Apart from all this we can use the site for promotion of the film in a very attractive way . websites can be used for advertising and publicizing the film without investing much money.
• Release a teaser:- A teaser can be used to attract a lot of public attention. A gripping teaser can create curiosity in the mind of audience and make them wait for the upcoming film. This curiosity will directly increase the sale of the tickets and raise the profit of the producers.
• Social network :- In today’s world no other method is as effective as special networking. The cheapest and the best method today . For promotion a Facebook page and a Twitter feed is a must apart from that we can also create a Google plus account. We can easily connect to the mass on a personal level using these media . Facebook pages and Twitter can be used to update people on the completion and different milestones of the upcoming film. Online games related to the movie can also be made on social media to attract the people.
• Film festivals:- Today every day we have film festivals happening at one place or another and in these festivals we have people from different movie industries and taking your movie there can promote it on a large scale very effectively. Media release can also be done at the same platform.
• Press release:- It is a must for the promotion of any movie be it a feature film or a short film . It’s cost effective and the best way to bring it in front of all kinds of audiences .
Apart from these methods we can always give small articles in the newspaper and magazines, interviews of the director and the actors in the film can also be published. Small posters in market places are some of the trusted and tested methods for promotion.
So if we invest a bit and be a bit creative we can make a good profit from the shortfilms and make this side of film industries more profitable and interesting.

Selvam M

PostShortFilm is a leading Indian online media, filmmaking knowledge sharing Platform, known for its end-to-end coverage of the global short film / web series filmmaking ecosystem.

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